ESS development

Integrated ESS solutions

EES development from scratch, with industry leading suppliers and a strong emphasis on safety—also on the software side.

The partner you need for both small- and large-scale (B)ESS projects

The ongoing energy transtition has unlocked many profitable business opportunities. Whether it is on the power generation or the ancillary side of the grid, on the wholesale/retail energy or the capacity market, or on other, fast growing fields like emission trading or peak shaving—energy storage systems play a significant role in most of these business models.

DSC has the necessary know-how, partnerships and experience to help you develop a sustainable, scalable BESS project.

A solid relationship with industry-leading suppliers

Together with our partners, we have established a working relationship with some of the world’s leading manufacturers of lithium batteries—including several among the top 10 suppliers of energy storage cells. With some of them, we have concluded long-term agreements that grant us priority access to their products even when they are under high demand. Our technical teams are duly accredited and certified by them, ensuring that the installation and maintenance is done according to their standards.

We have long-term agreements with some of the world’s leading manufacturers of energy storage battery cells

As a result, we can ensure system-level safety and integration, as well as a longer service life. And, unlike with other companies, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that the entire BESS—not just the cells—is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

EPC experience

Our infrastracture and engineering partners have successfully managed dozens of ESS projects all over the world, and are familiar with most markets local norms and grid connection requirements.

EMS know-how

The battery management software is a critical part of any lithium battery, and that is even more so in the case of a storage system that is made of many interconnected batteries.

DSC BESS EMS software


Our customized EMS software

Apart from the usual battery management system (BMS), an energy management system (EMS) is required for monitoring and managing the BESS.

Using an EMS software that is tailor-made for your use case and fully compatible with your equipment is crucial for the system’s safety and efficiency.

Using an EMS software that is tailor-made for your use case and fully compatible with your equipment is crucial for the system’s safety and efficiency. At DSC, we work with a specialized team that can design customized EMS solutions, in close cooperation with the cell supplier and the final customer. Our customized EMS software is optimized for your BESS, resulting in faster installs, reduced troubleshooting response time and better IT security.

Certified technical assistance, wherever you are

With a vast network of partners, DSC will make sure your BESS is serviced by properly accredited personnel, in keep with manufacturer standards. This is fundamental to protect your investment, keeping your BESS functional and preserving its vendor warranty.

Backup capital

We are open to support you through a more comprehensive partnership and can help you find outside capital to finance joint projects in areas with growth potential such as energy as a service (EAAS).
